Advanced Group Accounting

Abteilung: Financial Accounting
DozentIn: Prof. Dr. Alexis H. Kunz
BetreuerIn: Alessandro Cortese
Semester: Frühjahrsemester
Umfang: 3 SWS (2 Vorlesung + 1 Übung)
Credits: 4.5 ECTS
Inhalt und Info: This course covers accounting issues related to takeovers, mergers and acquisitions, spin-offs, affiliated businesses, special purpose entities, and the preparation of consolidated financial statements according to IFRS and Swiss GAAP FER/RPC.
Termin/Ort: KSL
Voraussetzung: B Sc BA. Course "Bilanzierung" by Prof. Dr. A. H. Kunz recommended.
Bemerkung: Frei wählbare Lehrveranstaltung
Veranstaltungsseite: ILIAS